The Advance of Wireless Fire Detection

RES provide comprehensive Fire Detection and Alarm System installation and maintenance services to our customers, and as part of this service we continually strive to offer the latest technology and products to our customers.

Our engineers undertake regular training, either in house or via our suppliers/manufacturers on the technological advancements such as the latest wireless fire detection and alarm equipment available.

In a series of three articles, we will look at three powerful Wireless Fire Detection solutions on offer that we can employ for customer installations.

Wireless Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
There are a number of solutions available, however the three most reliable and adaptable systems we offer are:
EMS FireCell

EMS – FireCell
A comprehensive analogue addressable fire detection solution providing one of the most advanced fire detection systems available – all without the need for cable.

Hochiki Ekho

Hochiki – Ekho
A new generation of Hybrid Wireless Fire Detection.

Hyfire Taurus

HYFIRE – Taurus
The newest, incredibly powerful and easy to configure EN54-25 wireless system on the market today.

Why the difference in wireless solutions?

RES are focused on keeping our engineers informed and trained on the latest solutions available today. As a result, we recognise that certain solutions may benefit customers if different ways, the main reasons being:

  1. The existing Fire detection and alarm system may have the capability and capacity to be extended upon, therefore a suitable solution wireless solution that can be linked to the existing protocol can be used.
  2. Each wireless system has its own features and specifications, ranging from differing signal technology, the style and size of the wireless units and the capacity of devices. The system recommended by RES would depend on the specific requirements of the customers premises.
Wireless Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

The Main Benefits of Wireless Fire Detection

  • – Eliminate the need for complex cable networks
  • – Quick and easy installation with minimal disruption
  • – Future Expandability and Greater Flexibility
  • – Can be used to extend an existing system

Let’s look firstly at the Hyfire - Taurus Solution

hyfire taurus wireless fire detection and alarm system

Designed and built around the latest standards, Taurus benefits from Hyfire’s consolidated experience in wireless fire protection.

hyfire taurus wireless fire detection and alarm system

This highly flexible solution is suited to Commercial Properties, Residential Buildings, Highrise Buildings, Healthcare and Education, Hospitality and Catering Facilities, Public and Government Buildings, Schools and Universities, Historic and Landmark Buildings and Temporary Event Sites.

“Taurus ensures unprecedented fire detection performance, application scale and superior reliability. The Taurus wireless platform can easily answer the needs of both small-medium or large sites”

Hyfire’s control panel connects to Taurus translator devices which in turn communicate with up to 128 Taurus wireless devices per each translator. The system is energy efficient and environmentally friendly due to it’s innovative electrical design, ensuring battery management is optimised, giving 10 year battery life on inputs (detectors and call points) and 5 years on outputs (sounders, VADs).

hyfire taurus wireless fire detection and alarm system

The design of your system is undertaken in Hyfire’s innovative TauREX software, which allows the drag and drop of devices onto your imported floor plan. This process reduces on site install times and provides a complete system overview for easy maintenance.

hyfire taurus wireless fire detection and alarm system

The Taurus solution uses Hyfire’s Pathfinder technology, which delivers the perfect balance of range and confidence.

RES can see multiple customer applications for this solution for Hybrid installations, where it is more cost effective and practical to install wireless devices across a site.

RES recently completed an installation using the Hyfire Taurus solution – click here to read more.