Having the correct lighting installed in a premise is very important to the health and safety of those using it particularly if it is a workplace. Correct LED emergency light installation makes it quicker and easier to identify hazards while making an environment easier and more comfortable for people to work in because of optimum light levels. Poor lighting can have a detrimental effect on employees’ and visitors’ health in an organisation’s premises, including:
- Eyestrain
- Migraine and headaches
- Sick Building Syndrome
- Epileptic fits/seizures
Having the correct LED emergency lighting is essential for any business and or premises owner, especially in cases where a sudden loss of light would prevent safe escape from a building in an emergency. At RES Fire Protection Engineers, we offer the following services for LED Emergency light solutions:
- Installations
- Regular inspection and testing
- Repairs
- Fault identification
LED Emergency lighting and the law
LED emergency light solutions are a UK legal requirement in all non-domestic and certain types of residential premises, as they ensure that a building is compliant with relevant British Standards and the law (Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2006). This is something we can check for you at RES. We can also advise on and provide emergency LED lighting for your business, so that you can have a bespoke solution based on your business requirements. Regulations regarding LED emergency lighting are very specific, and you need to adhere to the following areas in order for premises to be compliant:
- Illuminate escape routes adequately for ease of visibility
- To provide sufficient illumination so that all users of a building can effectively access escape routes
- To use lighting in an effective way so that all fire alarm call points, fire extinguishers and other safety equipment can be easily located
- To provide sufficient lighting so that proper shut down procedures can be carried out in high risk locations
LED emergency lighting needs to be activated for the entire period that a danger exists, or until normal lighting is restored for work to be undertaken as normal. If a normal lighting system fails in the event of a fire, a back-up power source is required for LED emergency lighting to fully function as necessary. This can be achieved by way of battery packs to each LED emergency light or by way of a centralised battery system To prevent glare, it is important to LED emergency lights should be mounted at least 2m from the floor so that effective light can illuminate all areas around a building and various escape routes.
Types of emergency lighting system
Maintained – LED emergency lights that operate as a normal light fitting and can be controlled with all the other lights in the area, however when the power fails the maintained emergency fitting will continue to operate but at a lower light level.
Non Maintained – Is normally switched off, with its batteries being continuously charged and a green LED showing fully charged. When the power fails then the fitting switches on using its battery supply. Non-maintained fittings are not part of the general lighting but are fittings such as emergency exit signs
LED Emergency Light solutions with RES
If you need LED emergency light solutions for your premises including installation, testing, maintenance or repairs, RES can carry out a comprehensive service to meet your requirements. We cover the South of England including London, Berkshire, Bracknell, Windsor, Middlesex & Surrey, Oxfordshire, Hampshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Essex & Kent, West & East Sussex, Reading, Maidenhead, Slough, Newbury and the surrounding areas.