Mandatory signs
These are circular blue signs with a white pictogram that must be obeyed in accordance with the law. These safety signs give indications on actions that must be followed, such as wearing a hard hat in a workshop. These signs should be displayed near entry points to a site and near fire doors that must be kept shut.
Fire action notices indicate actions that must be carried out in the event of a fire by building occupants. These are typically displayed as white text on a blue background. These are typically not in a circular format, but the blue and white colours used reflect the mandatory nature of the signs. A general mandatory sign is a white exclamation mark on a blue circle, which is often used alongside a fire action notice.
Safe condition signs
These are displayed in the form of green rectangular signs with a white pictogram and text centrally positioned, indicating fire exits, escape routes, an emergency exits, first aid kits and equipment. Such signs should comply with fire risk assessment and in some cases the Health and Safety At Work Act 1974.
Fire fighting signs
These red signs indicate where fire safety equipment such as extinguishers can be located. They can also indicate fire alarm activation points. The signs take the form of a red rectangle with white writing and a pictogram.
Warning signs
These take the form of triangular yellow signs, which warn those in the building of potential nearby dangers, such as a combustible liquid or a workshop where radioactive materials are used. These signs are required by the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 and in specific cases by the Dangerous Substances (Notification and Marking of Sites) Regulations 1990.
Prohibition signs
These signs take the form of a circular red shape with crossbars running through them, prohibiting actions that could be dangerous. For example, a sign may indicate when smoking is not permitted due to a fire risk. These signs should also be a part of employee training to reduce the potential risk of a fire.
Supplementary signs
These are typically directional arrow signs in green, red and yellow colours, pointing out safety exits or fire safety equipment.
We are proud to be an authorised distributor of Jalite signs and provide safety signs for the South of England including London, Berkshire, Bracknell, Windsor, Middlesex & Surrey, Oxfordshire, Hampshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Essex & Kent, West & East Sussex, Reading, Maidenhead, Slough, Newbury and the surrounding areas.