Fire Hydrant testing for schools and businesses
Customer requirements
RES provides schools and businesses with a range of fire protection services including fire alarm servicing, servicing of fire extinguishers, fire safety signage services, fire safety training and fire hydrant testing.
Fire hydrant testing
As part of our schedule of works, we carry out the periodic inspection of the Fire Hydrants (which must be done every 6 months) in accordance with BS 9990 : 2015 Non-automatic fire-fighting systems in buldings Code of Practice.
By using the “TSI Digital Flowmaster 250”, the latest digital flow testing equipment available, our engineers are able to digitally record a fire hydrants water pressure and the flow rate reading to a 98% accuracy.
Our engineers annually use the test equipment on all fire hydrants across customer premises, measuring flow and pressure and comparing the readings on information previously recorded on our equipment asset / location lists. Any hydrant leaks, defects or issues with the water main are reported immediately to the customer. As part of our fire hydrant services, we work with a water main contractor who specialise in replacing hydrant valves and the installation of new ones.
Digital readings are provided via the accompanying Flow Monitoring Software in real time on a nearby computer, this information can then be saved, shared and replayed. The software creates descriptive graphics and reports from the data. We then choose between printing out or transferring customer reports to Word, Excel or graphic.
Our ongoing commitment
The latest equipment we use enables our engineers to provide an efficient and more reliable test environment than that of a traditional hydrant test equipment.
Our investment in this technology is part of our ongoing commitment to customer service and maintaining a high quality of work.